Sunday, June 12, 2011


Austrian Gerhard Gulewicz is one of the most experiened riders in this 30th edition of RAAM, having started this event six times. This shot is of his crew preparing his motorhome and follow car. He's been second in each of the past two years and his crew declares that he and they are tired of being in the runner up position. "This year Gerhard must win!" a crew member said as the rest stood by nodding in agreement.

After five RAAMs Gulewicz and crew have learned a few things. His follow car is one of the most well set up I've seen---very well thought out with everything that the racer and crew needs ready at hand. Unlike most follow cars that carry the back-up bike on a roof rack, Gulewicz's extra KTM is on a rear rack where it's out of the wind, doesn't get pelted by bugs and dust and it's much easier to get when needed. Nice!

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