Wednesday, June 22, 2011

From The Drivers Seat: RAAM News @ 70 miles an hour on 4 hours of sleep

Rolling down the road with RAAM is a challenge for everyone. The Media crew hops, skips and jumps all over the route and the country trying to keep up with the racers, while trying to find internet to up load and download their stories, and occasionally get some sleep.

Here is a behind the scenes look at our Media Chief, and "The Face of the Race," Jeric, as he films his stand up for the news report.

The Media Crews spend their day gathering stories, shooting videos and pictures, with a deadline of 6 o'clock each day. They then have to compress, and revise their stories and send them to our Editor, who combines them with the stand up that you just saw, and turn it into the finished product. This is a challenging job under good condition, but she does it while bouncing around in the back of a van, with sketchy internet. I took a few minutes to talk with our editor about the challenges of her job.

There are over 20 hours of labor from over a dozen people that goes into each daily report, all from the road, parking lots, coffee shops, and hotels. So, the next daily report that you watch, after you tell your friends about the racers, and the stats, don't forget to give kudos to the awsome people who brought you the news.

Your Amigo

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