Sunday, June 12, 2011

From the Drivers Seat

I am sitting here in Oceanside at the Super duper 8 hotel enjoying the last beer I will have for the next 14 days, and recovering from my first official day as the driver for the Headquarters Van of the RAAM Media Crew. We spent most of the day gathering necessary supplies (Inverters, Extension Cords, Tape etc.) to convert the rental vans into Mobile Media Stations of Never Ending RAAM Information or MMSNERAAMI....okay, it's a work in progress.
 We were not the only ones scurrying around the parking lot "Pimping" our rides. The crew from Austria supporting Gerhard Gulewicz were also busy decking out there SAG Wagon and their R.V. They we gracious enough to let me on board of their R.V. to have a look around, and I talked with the Team Nurse, as he inventoried and organized the medical supplies (hopefully not) necessary for the race. The team informed me they have at least 4 designated drivers for the race, and will be driving in shifts depending on who is the most rested.

On the other side of the parking lot, there was a row of vehicles, that will be driven by the Race Officials. I talked briefly with Hans, as he placed stickers on his ride. Hans is a native of Austria, and he has supported RAAM as a race official for the last 5 years, this is his idea of a Vacation. All of the Race Officials are volunteers, and only receive per-diem for expenses.

Tomorrow, we will be spending time down at the beach, talking with the teams, as everyone gears up for the race.
Keep your Rubber Side Down.

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